2023 was a tough year for me as I kept falling (and staying) sick for extended periods. However, I have vowed to blog more regularly and ended up writing 34 posts this year. I hope to get back to my 48 posts a year standard from a few years ago. As I take this opportunity to wish all my readers a very Happy New Year 2024, I want to revisit some of the “good content” that I wrote this year. Click on the images to read the linked posts.
Gemstones and metal information guides
I wrote several articles on various gemstones and metals, including relatively unknown alloys such as pot metal. For easy access, I consolidated all my old posts on gemstones in colour into one bookmark. I also wrote my most favourite post of the year on the Kohinoor Diamond. Based on my recent experiences with gold jewellery, I also wrote an investment article.
I wrote a few articles based on historical research this year. The foremost among them are those on Sengol, the UK coronation jewels and Natya Shastra and jewellery.
Trend reports
Since a year in review is so cliché, let me complete this post by looking ahead – to the future. Here are two colour based trend reports for 2024.
Tutorials and How-to articles
I used ChatGPT frequently this year to come up with new ideas and outline structures for my posts. Therefore, I wrote two posts on how to use ChatGPT outlining best practices. I also wrote a few jewellery making tutorials and one decor tutorial this year.
New jewellery collections
After a hiatus, I created handmade jewellery, particularly necklaces using beads and sheet metal. Nomad is the collection of wood block pendant with beads, Autumnal leaves is a collection of glass beads and form folded metal leaves and finally, To the moon is inspired by India’s spacecraft landing on the far side of the moon. Check out the shop to see many more handmade wonders available for sale.
If you had missed reading any of these posts, I hope that you got a second chance. Now, its time for us to manifest a fabulous new year.
May 2024 ease away pain!
May 2024 replace sickness with health!
May 2024 bless you with wealth, the ability and opportunity to enjoy it!
May 2024 offer new beginnings!
May 2024 be the best year of our lives!
Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2024!

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