Mother’s Day DIY Sequins earrings

blue sequins earrings

Mother’s day is just around the corner and the blog world is full of gift suggestions. However, most of them are fuddly-duddly, boring and not for a fun mom. So instead of the pastel shaded cards, runners and floral accessories, I want to share a fun and colourful tutorial of Sequins earrings for Mother’s day. It is super easy to make and requires hardly any jewellery making skills. Just grab your pliers, some jump rings, sequins and earring findings to get started on this project.

blue sequins earrings

Facts about Sequins

Sequins were originally metal discs with a hole drilled at the center to sew them to clothe. A sequin was called a “sikka” or coin in Asia and morphed into the Italian Zecchino before becoming the French Sequin. Sequins don’t always have to be shiny. Case in point the yellow and blue variety that you see in this post. Since sequins are made of plastics such as mylar and vinyl, they do not degrade easily. However, You could reuse and recycle old sequins. Also, there are several companies working on biodegradable sequins using natural plant matter. There is hope for the future after all.

DIY blue sequins earrings

Mother’s Day DIY Sequins earrings

I love sequins and I made three sequins earrings a while ago which I wear on repeat. Sequins earrings are stunning for they are statement making, make you feel young and fun and are lightweight. You don’t have to be a mom to wear one. Most importantly, they take less than five minutes to make, if you have the supplies.


3 hole rectangular necklace connector – a pair
20mm blue plastic sequins with single hole – 6
5mm Silver tone jump rings – 6
20g artisan wire to make hooks (or readymade ear hooks)
Chain nose pliers (Round nose pliers and wire cutters to make your own ear hooks)

DIY blue sequins earrings


Open out all your jump rings using pliers. Add the 10mm sequins to the three holed connector. Attach an ear hook to the top hole to complete your earring. Repeat to make a pair of earrings.

You can add beads or a two holed sequins to the top hole of the connector and then add the ear hook. This would lengthen the earrings and make it more statement making.

yellow sequins earrings

To make the yellow sequins earrings that you see above, simply connect the sequins to the stud using jump rings. Check out this post on the DIY sequins chandelier earrings tutorial to learn another earring design your sequin stash. I hope you find these tutorials and the earrings fun.

To all mothers – married, single, divorced widowed, biological, adopted, foster, aunties, neighbours, and teachers who parent us and take care of us all with motherly affection. Advance happy Mother’s day.

I hope you found it interesting

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4 responses to “Mother’s Day DIY Sequins earrings”

  1. Rozantia Petkova avatar

    These are really fun and easy to make! This and your previous tutorial reminded me it’s high time I did something about the sequins in my stash 🙂

    1. Divya avatar

      Oh ya, you could purge your sequin stash by quite a lot if you made your own studs or connectors as well.

  2. Pearl avatar

    Clever use of findings!!

    1. Divya avatar

      Thanks Pearl, Nice to hear from you after a long time.

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