Learn everything about Moissanite

about moissanite

The Lapidary section has always been a popular column on the blog. However,  It’s been a while since I wrote one and I have been itching for gemstones that are currently on my radar. In the post on Navaratna jewellery, I discussed the nine gemstones that are traditionally worn in India and considered auspicious. In this post, I want to shed light on Moissanite  – a clear, sparkly gemstone that is very much a part of the contemporary fashion scene.

about moissanite


What is Moissanite?

Pronounced Moy-sa-night, Moissanite is a gemstone named after Dr. Henri Moissan. He was a French scientist and the Nobel Prize winner who discovered microscopic particles of the gem in 1893. This silicon carbide produces more brilliance than any other gemstone. This beautiful, precious stone is believed to be “a gemstone born from the stars” as it was first found in a crater struck by a meteorite. In the last few years, Moissanite engagement rings have become very popular due to shine and cost of the stone.

Properties of Moissanites

When we buy gemstone jewellery, we expect it to be a heirloom that is loved by several generations. This means that the gemstones must rate high on Beauty and durability. It would suffice to state that moissanite passes both criteria. Durability is based on three factors – hardness, toughness and stability. The gemstone has a Mohs hardness scale rating of 9.25, which is next only to diamonds. The hardness makes it a great choice for an engagement ring. You do not have to worry about scratches, chips, and cracks.

Despite the similarities between diamonds and moissanites, there are differences worth mentioning. Moissanite has a refractive index from 2.65 – 2.69, which is higher than a diamond. Unlike diamonds, which have “single-refraction” optical properties, moissanites have “double-refraction” properties, also known as birefringence. Moissanites have slightly more brilliance (Brightness) than a diamond and more than twice the fire (flashes of color you see in a polished diamond).


Moissanite Vs Diamond

Are Moissanites Fake Diamonds? It depends on how they are labelled and sold. A moissanite is a beautiful gem in its own right. But there are those who use it as a simulant or substitute for diamond. Moissanite is cheaper than diamonds for the same size and carat weight. It is for those who are looking to buy a larger stone with more shine at a lesser price. It is the stone to consider when you are buying cocktail rings and gifts for yourself.

Gemstones are unique and best when you appreciate them as separate entities. There are those who love spinels and those who love rubies. It is wonderful to wear both and appreciate them as long as spinel is not labelled or sold as a ruby. Just like in other gemstones, both natural and synthetic (Lab grown) versions of the stone exist. Be sure to find out whether you stone is natural or synthetic during purchase. Lab grown gemstones match the natural stones chemically, physically and optically. They appeal to eco-conscious people who do not want a mined gemstone. Most of the moissanite stones in circulation today are synthetic, as it is difficult to naturally mine this silicon carbide.

moissanite rings

Cut & colour

Since moissanite has different optical properties, cutting style matters in producing the right result. Inclusion is a clarity characteristic that every gemstone posses and it is no different with moissanites. Increased inclusions mean reduced stone value. With the right cut, clarity, and color, a moissanite jewel will produce an intense fire. Moissanite is typically a clear stone. Yet it may have a yellowish, bluish or grayish tint  seen under magnification. However, High-grade moissanite can be compared to diamonds with the D-H color spectrum. Check to see if the stone is labelled premium (G-H) or super premium (D-E) while buying one. The stone works with various metals including platinum, titanium, and gold.

Post purchase tips

You can clean your moissanite gemstones using a liquid hand wash and a bowl of warm soapy water. Though it is a hard gemstone, treat it the way you would treat any precious jewellery and you will be able to enjoy it for a lifetime.

Images courtesy: Beverly Diamonds

I hope that you find it interesting


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4 responses to “Learn everything about Moissanite”

  1. Ann Schroeder avatar

    Thanks for this post. I had never heard of moissanite! It was fun to learn about it.

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Its a great stone, if you are not particular about having a diamond

  2. Rozantia Petkova avatar

    I had to google this stone to find out more as well as how to pronounce it in Bulgarian. It’s a beautiful stone and certainly worth having in one’s jewelry collection.

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Darn! I forgot to include atleast an English pronunciation. I will do so. I heard about it from a traditional jeweller last year and have been waiting to write about it.

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