The whole of last month was very unproductive for me – I could neither write nor design or even complete and launch my next collection. I had a bad case of both writer’s block and beaders block put together – ugghh!! As a result I was bored even when I had a lot of work to do and uninspired even when surrounded by beautiful supplies.
Getting over a writer’s block
In my attempt to break out of this mould I read inspirational quotes, signed up for bead swaps, made lists and took up new projects but to my dismay nothing helped. It was then I realised that both jewelry business and blogging are hard fields. They will take a toll on you at times. You’ll feel bored, irritated and tired especially if you have other responsibilities apart from these two like having a job or raising a family. It will be particularly frustrating when people who know absolutely nothing about the field comment on how simple it is to Design or blog as “everyone does it”!! On a humorous note here are a couple of postcards I made as a reflection of my situation. I posted them on my facebook page – sayuri and it went viral. Do tag, pin them if you like to.
Tips to overcome a writer’s block
You can travel, try a new hobby, take up a refresher course, taste a new cuisine or wine (and make a night out of it) or join up challenges and contests to come out of you zone but sometimes acceptance is the best solution.
- Accept your limitations and count your blessings.
- Get help – people are willing to help you, you just have to ask. and then there are so many online courses that you can take to make yourself better for self help is the best help.
- Prioritize – there is no point in being stressed over everything. Move things around, reschedule and give yourself a breather
- Be impulsive – Do something (safe) that you have always thought of doing but never did (I don’t mean jumping into a fire pit)
- Don’t think of everything you do as a potential money making opportunity – business experts would disagree with me but thinking of everything you do as a potential money making opportunity can rob you of your sanity. Every course you take or every supply you buy or every post you write does not have to churn out money. I am guilty of this but I have been trying to change.
The solution
What did I do? I took some rest – for a couple of days I did nothing, postponed the launch of my upcoming collection by a couple of weeks and let everything be, which made me feel better.
We, those who freelance or work from home or are our own bosses impose stricter deadlines on ourselves. We do due to the fear of drifting away, procrastinating and doing nothing. And those self imposed rules end up torturing us more than a tyrant boss. In those times, we have to step away from the boss’s role into an employee’s shoes. We need to take time off for the sake of preserving our sanity. As my mom says – it pays to learn the art of doing nothing!!

Do you ever encounter mind blocks? What do you do to get over them?
Getting over a writer’s block is part of the How to: series
Take care and stay safe at home
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