Bib Necklaces

Sometime back, one of the readers of this blog, contacted me to custom make a neckalce for her. She was very sweet to give me an online reference( a tutorial video from all freebeadedjewelry) as an starting point. Soon we exchanged a number of mails to discuss the types of beads, color and arrangement. I found it easy to make the flowers as suggested in the video separately and showed her various arrangements by sending her photos of them. Once she liked an arrangement I stitched them on to a layer of felt and backed it with a layer of leather for strength. Though the tutorial suggests only a single layer backing with a tie up using ribbon, I realised that it would be wise to use two layers as backing ( to support the necklace better) and to use chain instead of the ribbon for fastening.
In the end, she liked it and that’s what matters the most to me. 🙂 🙂
Also encouraged by the appreciation I made a couple of  other bib necklaces the Mirror Bib necklace (posted here) and the Harvest Bounty necklace (Pictured below) – using the earthy colours of this season. It was super fun to make both of them. Orders have been pouring in, but Since I am caught up with other projects now, these would sadly have to wait.
If anyone would like the rose supplies used in the above necklace please contact me with the required color and quantity.
So how do you like them?

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