Rainbow crochet necklace

June is observed all over the world as Pride month to create sustain inclusivity in various communities. Chennai too hosts a Pride march (this year on June 26th) to create the spectrum of gender and sexuality and to create awareness. However, as someone who relates to the community in more ways than one, I strongly object to rainbow washing. Logos suddenly turning rainbow-coloured including rainbow-coloured taxi images on the taxi apps are some things that I detest. Therefore, I have never before posted rainbow-coloured jewellery during Pride month. But I happened to make a multicoloured yarn necklace that I enjoyed wearing and wanted to share it with all of you. So here is my rainbow crochet necklace. Crochet experts please forgive me for the mess of the tutorial that I am sharing below 😀

Rainbow crochet necklace

This DIY multicolour yarn necklace is very simple to make. All you need to know is how to make a crochet chain and a little bit of hand sewing. The necklace is picture is approx 22 inches long.


  1. Multi coloured 1.5mm nylon cord (minimum 3 metres)
  2. Crochet hook
  3. Metal or plastic bells with loop
  4. Ribbon ends – 2
  5. jump rings – 2-3
  6. Clasp – lobster clasp
  7. Sewing thread (one of the more prevalent colours – I used dark pink)
  8. Fabric glue/rubber adhesive

DIY rainbow crochet necklace (3)

Method of making the Rainbow crochet necklace

Cut 2 lengths of cord and fold them in the middle getting 4 lengths of cord. Make your first loop and chain. Join the four pieces together by hand sewing them at that juncture. Continue to make chains until you have about 65 chains for an approximately 22 inches necklace. Knot and sew the cords together at the end. Trim the access. Using the same needle and thread start sewing the little bells to one side of the crochet chain. Sew by taking the thread through the inside of the chain and by adding the bells to the underside. Knot and trim in the end.

This way the bells will look as though they are coming from the backside of the necklace and sewing thread will not be largely visible. If you run out of thread in between, just knot another piece of thread to it and continue. You can hide this knot in the middle of the chain on the backside of the crochet chain. Using glue, adhere ribbon ends to the crochet chain. Hold and press and once dry add jump rings and a clasp.

DIY rainbow crochet necklace (3)

Your Rainbow crochet necklace is now ready to wear and enjoy! This idea can be used to create chokers or bracelets as well.

Since I did not think of making a tutorial until I was half way through the necklace, I did not measure the amount of cord needed in the first place. I apologise for that. I hope you can understand the size of chain and thickness based on its proportion to a regular ruled notebook. The distance between 2 lines on the notebook is 8mm.

Like jewellery making tutorials? Find some here.

I hope you find it interesting

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2 responses to “Rainbow crochet necklace”

  1. Rozantia Petkova avatar

    What a beautiful necklace with just a handful of materials! The colors are amazing! I just now remembered I tried to crochet with a bunch of thick threads once and the chain was quite thick – this is a great idea!

    1. Divya avatar

      Thank you. Yes, thicker cords are perfect for impatient people like me as you get to make a beautiful piece in just a few minutes.

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