Hello guys, welcome to my new WordPress blog. After a lot of initial hiccups, it is a bit stabilised now. I am yet to work on the Graphics for the blog, however, I will continue to post new ideas and content as I miss writing and interacting with all of you. New beginnings warrant a new tutorial; don’t you think so? So to begin things at the new blog here is a resin jewelry tutorial – DIY Faux opal earrings inspired by the snowfall and festivities of December.
My first tryst with Opal stones was in the early 90’s when my Father’s mentor, an Elderly English gentleman presented them to my mom. Over the years, and multiple house moves, we lost the good ones and a couple of them ended up with me. But without understanding their value (slightly put off my their dull milky appearance) I used them in an experiment. It is ones of the blunders I regret to this date, particularly when I see Beautiful fire opal rings made by Yael Designs. So I set out to create Faux opals using resin. I failed many times but eventually made the components shown in this tutorial. Though they do not resemble opals, I feel that they are reminiscent of snow falling on streets lit up during Christmas.
Living in a hot country, I have never touched snow (only seen it in my travels aboard). However, I have always pictured in my head snowy streets decorated with festive fairy lights. To bring together the combination of warmth (of the lights/fire) and Cold Snow I have created these DIY Faux opal earrings
DIY Faux opal earrings
1. Silver tone open hexagon bezels
2. Ice resin kit (cups, mixing stick)
3. Dichroish film
4. Ice resin Crystal opal
5. White Patina ink
6. Fine Transparent holographic glitter – optional
7. Silver ear hooks
8.Craft mat, packing tape, nose pliers and wet wipes
1. Adhere 3″ of transparent packing tape (do not cut it from the roll) to your craft mat. Fold the tape back so that the sticky side faces you. Leave about an inch and cut it off; fold it back and stick it to the mat. Now you have a sticky surface to place you open bezels
2. Place your bezels on the tape and press firmly so they adhere well. Avoid any gap along the edges
3. Shred (cut) 2mm strips of dichro-ish film of your choice ( I used orange, purple, green, and yellow) and press them into the open bezel so that they stick to the tape.
4. Mix your epoxy doming resin as per the manufacture’s instructions

That’s it for today, I’ll get back to you soon detailing my Blogger- WordPress adventure
I hope you found it interesting
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