Top Content ideas for Guest posts in design blogs

Design Blogging is still in its nascent stage in India and while artists and designers can create beautiful works of art easily, they are sometimes intimidated to blog about them. The best way to get over that fear is guest blogging. If you are a designer, a fashion writer, a jewelry enthusiast, a stylist or an expert in all matters of accessorization or body adornment, I would love to have your views on my blog. Learn all about guest posting from my previous articles in this Guest posting series and be a guest writer here!

So what can you write about?

Getting down to specifics, here are the eight different broad categories I want posts in. It doesn’t mean that I’ll only post articles like these, so brilliant out of the box ideas that are still relevant to my blog are welcome. It would be great if they fall into any of the following categories as it would be easy for me to label and promote them.Be sure to click the examples clicks in each of the topics to see previously written articles in that category.  This post not only discusses the kind of posts that I am looking for my blog but it can also be used as a general outline for content ideas for most design blogs by just changing the core interest area.

Top content ideas for Guest posts

1. DIY Tutorials: I love a good DIY any day. Blogs are all about creating content that offers value to the reader and tutorials offer quite a good bang for the buck. So jewelry Tutorials are on the top of my list. Each tutorial must come with a material list and step wise instructions. It must have atleast 2 images of the finished item or product created using the steps listed and several step wise pictures. Please look at my existing tutorials to get an idea of what exactly is that  I am looking for. 

2. How to: Very similar to tutorials, how to articles tell you “how to do something”, for example how to clean your jewellery, how to make earn from your blog or they could just be a set of tips that be easily followed by readers. The difference between a tutorial and a how to article is that there is no end product or final design that is created by the writer using the instructions he or  she has written. They are just curated ideas.

 3. History, culture and Traditions (and how it relates to jewelry of accessories): I am a girl who is very proud of my culture and heritage and I really like learning about practises and traditions from other parts of the world too. So If you have an unique culture or a a piece of jewelry that carries history with it, do write in to me.  I would love to read about it and post it here. My Bridal series which discusses bridal jewelry from across the globe does just that.

4.Technical or scientific information: I welcome expert metalurgists, gemmologists, gemstone dealers or jewellers to share their expertise on my blog. I love to know about casting metals or how emeralds look green. It could be about how gold jewelry is moulded or how to buy sapphires. I do have a separate gemstone and metal section for you to get an idea of what has already been covered

5. Interviews of crafters, artists and designers: I love getting to know more people through my blog but unfortunately I seldom have the time to interview someone myself and format the written content. So if you are budding journalist and would like to feature your interview of a new or established designer or artist who is doing fabulous work then I would be very interested in having you on board. I would like the interviews to ideally be an hybrid format though straight question and answers are welcome too. 

6. Design Inspiration and Fashion trends:  Inspiration is what really keeps the design world going and when inspiration is combined with trend forecast or predictions then they became a carefully planned idea that can be utilised to great great products. So fashion writers, so send in your articles regarding accessory and jewelry trends. Be specific, cite your sources in case of a forecast and hustle up images to go with your write up. 

7. Blogging and Social media: In my experience as a teacher, I find that only a few artistically inclined people can write, fewer can write well and even a lesser number are aware of the requirements of modern day blogging. The world of SEO, conversions and insights can be a hard thing to keep up with and I am sure that most bloggers (yes even the successful ones) would appreciate blogging tips, ideas and suggestions on blogging and social media that would simplify their lives.

8. Jewelry Business – At its very core, Jewelsofsayuri is about jewelry promotion and business and instead of shying away from that fact, I want to embrace it. So if you have got ideas of how to increase jewelry sales, how to setup up processes, streamline sources and vendors and do better inventory management, I am all ears. Jewelry Business articles with specific simple ideas would be more appreciated than grand generic suggestions
Finally a Writing tip

 Many people who have no trouble expressing their ideas when it comes to speaking, struggle when they have to write. They get all worried about the language, tone, grammar and it becomes a chore that they no longer enjoy. This issue has a very simple solution – Write your first draft like how you would you talk with a friend on the topic. Edit it (three times) by first correcting grammar and spelling errors and then restructuring the paragraphs to make more sense and finally tinkering with the voice, tone and style to make it interesting.

I hope that you find these content ideas interesting. Most of these topics aren’t restricted to my blog alone. Editors and bloggers across the world would love to accept well researched and written articles in most of these categories. So try your hand at guest posting today. Before you send in your posts, do check out my posts on Guest Posting Dos and don’ts and How to write a fantastic Guest post 
If you would like more writing and editing and tips, do mention in the comments and I’ll compile a post with those soon.

I hope you found it interesting



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7 responses to “Top Content ideas for Guest posts in design blogs”

  1. The Beadwench avatar

    This is all so very interesting. I'd love to be a guest blogger sometime 🙂 but in all seriousness i love reading your blog posts they always contain such helpful information and make me laugh out loud at times too. Thanks again for another wonderful blog post!!!

  2. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Betony, I hope that you would consider writing for my blog sometime 🙂


    Well done!! This is one awesome & useful blog post. Love it seriously! keep these kind of articles coming in the future 🙂
    And I would love to be your guest one day!

  4. Divya N avatar

    Sure Kiran, would love to have you here

  5. Sarah avatar

    Thank you for a very helpful article! I guest-posted on another blog a couple of years ago and it was nerve-wracking! I was so worried the whole time that the content I was providing wouldn't be up to par or interesting for the readers. Having your tips and suggestions is such a great starting point!

  6. Divya N avatar

    I feel that guest blogging is the best route for artists and designers to get over the fear of blogging. It can be quite useful if its planned and executed properly.

  7. Dee M avatar

    This is so informative! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday! 🙂

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