This tutorial, I must admit, is a departure from my usual 5 minute DIY posts, as it is a bit time consuming (can be done in a day). It is a deceptively simple design with lots of little details. Nevertheless, it can be done by beginners who know how to make wire loops.

– 1″ brass disks with hole (2)
– Dimensional magic
– German glass glitter salmon
– pink nail polish
– green glass beads
– gold tone eyepins
– brass link chain
– artistic wire
– jump rings
– Lobster clasp
– Nose pliers
– wire cutter

1. Draw a heart shape on the disc and cut. Alternatively cut out 2 hearts from brass sheet and punch holes in the center
2. apply dimensional magic to the shape and cover with glitter. Let dry.You can use Ice resin instead of DM if you prefer a sealed smooth finish. But I used DM as it takes lesser time to cure and I wanted a textural finish on the pendants.
3. paint over glitter on one disk with nail paint. let dry
4. Cover both discs with DM or resin and let dry until completely cured
5.Cut chain into bits (pairs bits) of 1.5″length
6.Loop green beads on eyepins and connect them to the chain bits
7. Connect the center two beads with a jump ring. Connect the painted heart to this ring with another ring
8. Connect both hearts using a wrapped wire loop.The messy wrap allows for a lot of movement but you could do a really clean wrap if you wish to keep the pendants straight.
9. Add rings and clasp as the end of the chain to finish the piece
I think when you love someone, whether its your partner, parent or friend or even a pet, you never really see yourself in isolation (esp when you think of them) but in conjunction with them. You think about what they feel for you or about you and how you would like them to think of you. This design was born out of that thought – of two hearts connected to one another by a fragile messy connection (Yup most relationships are messy) but strong, prosperous and joyous together sharing lots of wonderful memories.
Do try your hand at creating this design and wear not just your heart but also that of the one you love proudly.
I hope you find it interesting

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