Crocheted treasures – part one

I finally learnt to do Crochet…Oh did I say that before..heee..yes I did learn the basic during my Abhushan workshop from a very talented  Mother and daughter in law duo from Gaya, in Bihar, India. But when I came back all i could do was a basic circle. You tube videos didn’t help me but one of my students did. During one of my classes she taught me how to do a basic granny square (talk about role reversal ;). Still I kept making some random stuff ( I am a visual learner and cant decipher the crochet patterns) but slowly I am learning to make some stuff and here are a few of the finished pieces. In the process of learning how to make a flower (after loads of failed attempts and creating my own patterns, I found this video from Little birdie secrets which was very helpful.
Video URL :
 Here are some of my works – the ones that did turn out right
Banyan leaf crochet pendant
Gold Crochet earrings
Ruffled Crochet flower
A Layered Hair clip – the first layer is a gold thread crochet (I was just learning so I was just experimenting patterns on the same thread). Also don’t ask me for a pattern – I have no clue.
Find below another layered crochet flower (bigger than the previous ones and hence good enough for a hair clip or to be placed on a hairband (haven’t decided as yet)
The white one is ruffled because of too many stitches but I did that wantingly – talk about the curiosity to try stuff that people tell you not to do 😉
Layered hair clip
So I made a smaller flower this time added a button and placed it on top of the big one…I kinda like it now
I have done so many experiments with crochet after this and will post easy to do accessories for Crochet newbies like me in the coming weeks…so do look out for them
And before I forget…All these beauties are for Sale…..Want them…Mail me as usual..BTW I am not limiting my sale to India alone anymore…You can buy from wherever you are

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