Swap and hop Reveal

ย Vanakkam, Vandanam, Namasthe to all the folks visiting JewelsOfSayuri for the Bead peeps swap and hop reveal. Our Hostess Linda had put together a list of 53 magnificent jewelry blogs and bloggers early this year for a bead swap and now its time for the reveal. My Partner is Kelly Hosford Patterson ofย  Pyxeestyx- The travelling Sideshow and to see what we sent each other, check out the swap intro post here.ย 
The beads were all so gorgeous and the colors – green and blue, and fitting perfectly in my comfort zone. I assumed that it would be extremely simpleย  and I would churn out pieces by the dozen.
Since most of my customers prefer pieces with an Indian traditional look, I hardly get to experiment with very modern, western arrangements. Hence, for this reveal, I decided that I would make a piece that was completely western. After some word association, I settled on the followingย words – Rustic, frosted, mouldy, dreamlike to guide my design process.

Swap and hop Reveal

Of the Yore Necklace: The idea here was to use the copper domed disc, the ceramic (?) tube and the bone sort of piece as the focal component(s) by marrying them together with wire. This simple process proved to be extremely frustrating because of the sound that arises when ceramic/frosted glass/natural components/chalk strike metal. Metal on metal is even worse! (You should see me when my colleagues eat lunch with their metal spoons ๐Ÿ™ ) It was this minuscule sound that drove me absolutely mad and my teeth start grinding even when I just think of it. I somehow powered through it and finished the piece but I did not even want to touch it, so I took it apart and remade it using embroidery thread.To avoid any more friction and the resultant noise I replaced the beads at the neck with a strand of leather cord and cotton cord each – in brown and blue respectively to bring out the colors of the main components.

Ceramic and metal necklace by Sayuri

The bone piece and the sea glass still feels chalky to touch and I am wondering if coating it with some sort of a sealant will help? Any Suggestions? I love how this piece looks and really want ot wear it

Neel – Gulab Earrings (Blue and pink earrings): For my second piece,ย  I made a quick pair of wire earrings with the carved fan shaped blue sea glass beads and rose quartz beads to match a new printed pink, blue, and beige cotton shirt.ย  I cheated a bit and wore them both to work on Tuesday ๐Ÿ™‚ before the reveal.sea glass earrings by Sayuri


When I saw Peeps disclosing that they had made 3 -8 pieces for the hop, I made another pair of earrings but gave them away to my cousin without photographing it, so I decided to do one more using the packaging paper.

Misty Moor – I made a recycled paper pendant with foil encasement on the sides and add patina inks for more depth. It started off as shrapnel sort of form, very modern looking. But I wasn’t really happy with it, so I added some rhinestone and ball chain to it (Okay, I gave in and Indianised it!). After these pictures were taken, I have poured resin into it. I used the green nuggets and the patterned beads from the beads that Kelly sent me and finished it with organza ribbon. It feels a little imbalanced, ( I am unable to put my finger on what is wrong!). Maybe the pendant is shimmery and the beads look a little dull? I might restring it after the hop – design/color/material suggestions are welcome.

beaded neckalce with paper pendant by Sayuri beaded neckalce with paper pendant by Sayuri

Those are the pieces that I made for the Swap and hop Reveal, I still have lots of goodies left and hopefully you would see them in future designs. Head over to Kelly’s blog to see what she made with her goodies. Special thanks to Linda for hosting this hop with amazing artists. Please do take time out to visit blogs of other participants of the Bead peeps swap and hop II. Happy Hopping!

I hope you found it interesting
ย Cheers



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  1. Natalie @ NorthShore Days avatar

    Divya, I love your pieces, they are very creative. I think the last necklace is my favourite. Lovely work

  2. Neena Shilvock avatar

    Great ideas and I love that you made something with the packaging as well – and tried to come out of your comfort zone ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. sam Waghorn avatar

    i love your main of the yore necklace Divya and can completely relate to the hatred of the sound that metal on metal/ceramics make. I think the use of thread has really complemented the components used, and it has a lovely flow to it.

  4. Nelly May avatar

    What wonderful pieces Divya.
    Every component is perfectly married.

  5. Maria Rosa Sharrow avatar

    Your pieces are lovely. I don't think that there is anything out of balance with that last necklace, it gives people a lot of elements to look at while they compliment the focal.

  6. motidana avatar

    Fabulous pieces Divya! I love the Misty moor necklace ! And I must say, as usual your description of each piece is joy to read . Loved reading about the evolution of these beauties!

  7. Rachel Mallis avatar

    I love the focal on that last necklace! So beautiful! Though I think what may be throwing it off a little is just so many shapes. I think if you took off the freeform nuggets it would help. It also may be that the width of the focal is very similar in length to the strung beads as the chain, giving it a little bit of a boxy feel, so either adding more beads to the chain or taking some off I think would definitely help. I would love to see how you resolve it, as it is a very beautiful necklace!

  8. Becky Pancake avatar

    Hi Divya, all of you pieces are really beautiful and unique. Kudos to you for making designs out of your normal range.

  9. Kathy Lindemer avatar

    I love your main of the yore necklace. The colors and components work so well together. It is a shame that it was so unpleasant to make. I am sure you will get great pleasure in wearing it.

  10. Linda A. avatar

    Hi Divya,
    What BEAUTIFUL pieces! I love the ear wires – they're such a simple little touch – but make the earrings more interesting. I really like them. =) As for the bottom necklace…. the pendant itself isn't really balanced, so if the balance is bugging you – I'd work on the right side of it to add some visual weight.

    I LOVE your creativity with the paper and how genius to add the rhinestones and ball chain. I really need to get some ball chain – it's so versatile – I've never seen it as versatile – so I guess I need to change my outlook. =)

    You did SUCH a wonderful job!

  11. ChristinaMarieH avatar

    I love the textures used on the first necklace and I think the second necklace is perfect as it is. Beautiful work!

  12. Marianne Baxter avatar

    I love your creativity in these designs.

  13. Saraccino avatar

    I am not sure about the other beads / components, but etched glass beads are not smooth anymore to touch but have a little bit of grip. Not that much, but the surface has changed.

    I really love your first necklace with the use of thread! Looks stunning! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. alainnjewelry avatar

    Awesome pieces!!!

  15. Peacock & Lime avatar

    I love your creativity in using the packaging in your last piece … that's fantastic!

  16. Mimi avatar

    Such unique and beautiful designs – I especially love the necklaces! Gorgeous!

  17. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Pallavi, they are nothing compared to your work

  18. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for the suggestion Rachel, I'll try it out

  19. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Becky, I do try to push my limits whenever possible

  20. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for visiting, As a mixed media artist I use a lot of paper in my work so I like to recycle and upcyle whenever possible. I work with old gift wrappers, wedding cards, package tags and upcycle them into jewelry.

  21. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for the lovely compliment ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for the lovely compliment ๐Ÿ™‚ I had great supplies to work with

  23. Divya N avatar

    Thanks This was my first attempt at combining leather cord and cotton cord in a piece and it was fun

  24. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Christina, Its nice to get feedback on a design

  25. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for the feedback Linda. I was working on a new shape for pendants and came up with this asymmetrical idea, I'll make the necklace asymmetric too. Using ball chains on paper and silk thread jewelry is very common in India. I am surprised that it didnt become an international trend given that it has many possibilities

  26. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Maria, Maybe that is why it looks unfocussed

  27. Divya N avatar
  28. Krafty Max avatar

    You might be used to doing traditional creations, but you did an amazing job with these creations!! That necklace turned out wonderfully!! I think you did a GREAT job with your SWAP!! ~KM http://www.kraftymax.net/bead-peeps-swap-n-hop-2016/

  29. Divya N avatar

    Firstly it was beautiful paper, probably the best of supplies in that goody bag and I couldnt let it go to waste. So I upcyled it ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for understanding Sam. It is one of my pet peeves and I cant seem to get over it, I wonder if there is a remedy for it somewhere

  31. Divya N avatar

    Thanks, I have been waiting to get back to my more western aesthetics for a long time now and this was a great opportunity

  32. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for visiting Lori

  33. Kristina avatar

    I love the mixed media. It's amazing what you can make out of packaging.

  34. Divya N avatar

    Thanks, that is the charm of paper jewelry. You can make somethign out of almost nothing

  35. Veralynne Malone avatar

    Excellent as always Divya, I love your work! I really dig the earrings. And I know what you mean about certain noises….tearing fabric just sends me over the moon. Thanks for posting!

  36. fay ................................................... avatar

    Love the first necklace.. wonderful job…
    Well done

  37. bairozan avatar

    The Of the Yore Necklace is definitely a very modern piece with a lot of texture and flexibility – the feeling is the separate parts can easily move (sway) on their own. I actually love the "frosty" surface of sea glass, it's very organic. You work with paper is fantastic – you transform it beyond recognition! Both pieces have both a modern and an ethnic feel about them!

  38. Dry Gulch avatar

    That metal and bone necklace is fabulous! Love the rustic-ness. And I enjoyed reading how you came to that design style via your brainstorming!

  39. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Catherine, I love the rustic nature of the piece too

  40. Divya N avatar

    I usually design pieces that are stiff as that is what most clients want, even thought I do not believe in it. so this time, I designed "Of the yore" specifically for movement

  41. Divya N avatar
  42. Robin Showstack avatar

    The ceramic and copper necklace is lovely and I do like what you did with the paper. It looks kind of like a larimar cabochon!

  43. anafiassa avatar

    Beautiful work! I think your experimenting turned out very, very nicely… I love everything that you made! ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. tappingflamingo avatar

    LOVE those shell earrings. I would have worn them to work too…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  45. Divya N avatar

    Thank you Jenny

  46. Kari Asbury avatar

    Your work is beautiful! I love the threads you used on the first necklace better than I think the metal you first tried…gives the piece a softer look, very pretty. The earrings are gorgeous. The last necklace looks wonderful to me, lots of elements to engage the eye but nothing looks out of place or to much. I think it's all really fantastic work!

  47. Teresa Schurter avatar

    You're so right, just reading about the metal on metal makes my skin crawl, but for some reason I don't have that much trouble when working, I guess copper's too soft to cause that kind of trouble. The way you've challenged yourself is marvelous, but your own style is wonderful too!
    I've worried about the chalky feel on items too, mostly I'm concerned about them getting dirty and not being washable. I'll watch for your solution! Lovely pieces you made too!

  48. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Teresa, I guess the problem occurs when the pieces 'clang' or bump into one another in a more fluid form and not while wire wrapping. I tried coating the bone component with resin and it has improved the situation. I am not sure, what to do about the rest though

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