How to find readers for your blog – 8 years of Blogging

yesterday was the 8th blogiversary of JoS and I completely forgot. Oops!! Well, I remembered at 10 pm local time in the middle of writing an abstract that was due yesterday and I had to prioritize. So here is the Blogiversary post that is better late than never. 
It has been eight years since the term Jewels of Sayuri was coined. I never thought then that in the next few years, the phrase “Jewels of Sayuri” would become a noun – JewelsofSayuri. A Big thank you to everyone who has ever read my blog and to those of you who read every single post and leave comments for me. It means so much that you give me your time and attention. As a thank here is a little something for all the bloggers who read my blog.

Eight years of Blogging

Though I have been blogging for eight years now, I am not a famous blogger. I do not have thousands of pageviews a day. But I am happy that I strive to provide useful content to anybody who comes across my blog. Recently, I was at an intensive workshop that focused on self-branding, positioning oneself online. One of the key points that I discussed with my trainer Mr.Achyutha Sharma of BrandlabIndia was understanding who my Target Audience is and how to create content that is valuable to them. He encouraged me to create tutorials and video content. Me being Miss goody two shoes ‘chamathu ponnu‘ created a FB live the moment I was back in my hotel room and downed three spoons of cough syrup to make sure I didn’t wheeze through the video.

The FB live is all about how to engage with your Target Audience. I am a little throaty in it and I couldn’t record in landscape mode. So for your benefit, I am penning down the important points discussed in the video on How to find people to read your blog. Skip to the last two minute for a summary if you are short on time. Please share if you find it interesting.

How to find readers for your blog

This video attempts to answer the big question that us bloggers have – How to find readers for my blog? Today, it is not enough if you create content, you must also find users who will find the content useful. A well-maintained blog sure does get organic pageviews through Google and other social media channels. This number can be increased significantly through advertisements and promotions. However, promoting yourself mindlessly is of no use. Furthermore, these pageviews do not always convert to users who will visit your blog over and over again. What you need  to do is to educate and engage with people who are your actual target audience.

Target Audience

Target Audience refers to those people (market segment) you tailor your content for. As a niche blogger who posts on jewelry design, my TA comprises of people who are interested in Culture, India, Fashion and ofcourse jewelry. They could be self-taught artists and designers, entrepreneurs, teachers, design students, hobbyists and those who are interested in Art or Design history, jewelry making, and Indian culture. Once you identify your target audience it is import to engage them with content that they would find interesting.
How to find readers for your blog by Sayuri

Three ways to find readers for your blog

  • Create and share content that is of value
  • Participate in challenges and contests
  • Be a part of an active community
When I see niche bloggers writing that they have over 100,000 pageviews a month on an average I am frankly a little jealous. After I shifted to WordPress, I find it difficult to get even 8000 pageviews a month. It is less that half of what I used to get on blogger. This means that I have to constantly be on the lookout for ways to increase my pageviews. Please find below three such techniques that I follow to help me get to where I am going.

Create and share content that is of value

People like it when you give things away for free. But it not possible to do giveaways or offer freebies like templates all the times. What you can do instead, is share your knowledge. The easiest way to get people to come to your blog over and over again is to create tutorials. You can use this free template that I have in the post on how to create DIY tutorials, to create some for your own blog. If you do create them, share the links with sites like Craftgossip or Craftgawker (assuming that your tutorial is craft/design related). These sites promote high-value content and drive a large volume of users to your site. You can also write how-to articles, tips and tricks, create infographics, icons, planners, printables, color palettes or recipes that could be used by your Target Audience. This helps in establishing trust which is crucial in winning over your audience.

Participate in challenges and contests

There are two advantages of Participating in challenges and contests. One is that you get to come out of your shell and experiment with new techniques or ideas. The second is that you meet new people and learn from them in the process. Most jewelry challenges (even cards for that matter) happen as blog hops. Getting traffic from blogs in your niche increases your credibility and in extension users. In the recent times, organisers of most contests ask their participants to upload their work to social media and tag with appropriate keywords. This in turn exposes you work to a new audience.

Be a part of an active community

Being a part of a bigger community that supports independent designers and bloggers really helps. If you are an Indian blogger, sharing your posts on Indiblogger or Blogadda is a very effective way of reaching a new audience. Also, there are several specialised groups on facebook for niche blogger. Blogging groups like Chennai Bloggers club connects me with other bloggers in Chennai and furthers networking.  Bead peeps, Resin Art fun Forum are two active and fun FB groups on jewelry that I am a part of. We read each other’s posts, review designs, and also offer suggestions whenever required. It is like having you own little focus group that you can brainstorm with.

In conclusion, these are three tips of mine on How to find readers for your blog. You can find more examples in the video. I would love to hear from you on how you promote your blog and increase your pageviews. Please share your tips in the comments. If you are blogger looking to move your blog from Blogger to WordPress do check out this article before you move. It has loads of tips for you.

If you interested in getting more information on design blogging, jewelry inspiration, and visual culture please do subscribe to my blog so that I can stay in touch with you.

Thank You once again for your support!

Looking forward to another year of blogging.
I hope you find it interesting

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16 responses to “How to find readers for your blog – 8 years of Blogging”

  1. Destination Infinity avatar

    It was easier to get readers through Google earlier. Now there is a lot of competition. I guess staying up to date on the latest trends and writing regularly helps. Some keyword research on what people are looking to read would also be nice.

    Destination Infinity

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Yes, in the past it was about writing what you wanted to write about. Now blogging has become like a magazine business – writing what people want to read about

  2. Rozantia Petkova avatar

    Good to see all these valuable points in one place. Even if I knew them, I sometimes forget about one or another 🙂 I started my blog to just share inspirations but gradually moved to writing tutorials and offering tips and links (blogging is a two-way inspiration). I haven’t found another Bulgarian blog that shares handmade jewelry tips and tutorials, apart from years’ old blog posts in blogs that are no more active (and I’m not bragging). Yet, I don’t have that many readers but I have noticed a growing interest to my posts from Russia and the Ukraine and I’m even thinking of adding # in Russian in my posts on other social media – this is an immeasurable audience!

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      That is quite a valuable insight that you have. You could brand yourself (your blog) to give more information about Bulgarian culture. I got many more Indian followers after I started to write about India. Fine tuning to the needs of your prospective audience might bring in more people to read. But reading bilingual blog sometimes get difficult as the flow is broken by another script and you have to search for the language that you are familiar with to read it.

  3. Rhonda avatar

    Thanks for sharing these valuable tips on How to Find Blog Readers. I loved your video too. I’ll be doing my homework. I’ll be sharing on your post, thanks for joining Sunday’s Best.

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Thank you so much for visiting Rhonda. I do hope that you are able to find more readers for your blog too

  4. Jean | avatar

    Just came over from your link on Rhonda’s blog, Divya. I, too, have just had my 8th blogiversary – hard to believe! I post just once a week (on Thursdays) about food and sometimes tea, wine and travel. I’m curious about why you switched over from Blogger To WordPress.

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Hi Jean, welcome to my blog. I switched over to have ownership over my content which is not possible in blogger. I also had a plan to integrate a shopping cart in my website. IT is yet ot happen

  5. Gayathri avatar

    Congrats on your blogiversay! And your post will be super useful not just newbies but also for experienced bloggers. It is easy to forget the basics when we are all running behind social sharing and twitterchats. Great reminder.

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Yes, once we start running behind number we forget our original target audience. In the end quality matters

  6. Maya avatar

    Happy Bloggoversary Divya! I was very interested in watching your video, but it is not available here nor on FB.
    Thank you for sharing your tips!

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Hey Maya, I checked out both the link as well as the video. Both are working. Also the video can be found in the videos section on my facebook page. please check once again

  7. Kalpanaa avatar

    This is useful advice – the only problem is – what do you do if you’re not a niche blogger and have so many things to write about?

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      That could also be turned to your advantage Kalpanaa. For instance you can share your book reviews with a reading group but recipes with a food group. This way you can bring in both sub sects to your blog. Those who have interests in both will become loyal readers of the blog. I hope this helps

  8. Meera avatar

    I’m not blogging frequently as I used to be. And that pushed me into a slumber. So even my regular readers are not being regular. That happens, right?! But once we get to roll, hopefully things will become like old days. btw, happy birthday to JoS. The designs are lovely. 🙂

    1. jewelsofsayuri avatar

      Thanks Meera. Yes regularity is required to retain readership. That explains why people who post quality content 2-3 times a week get twice as many readers than those who post just once every 2 weeks

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