Upcycled Bottle Necklaces

Upcycled Bottle Necklaces

You must have all heard of the rather poetic concept of sending messages in glass bottles. The first recorded use of messages in bottles is said to be around 310 BC, when Greek philosopher Theophrastus used it for his experiment. Contemplating on this subject I was also reminded of ancient scroll type cylindrical bars that were used for conveying stories or news in the past. Finding this to be an interesting concept for wearable art, I then decided to upcycle medicine glass bottles into quirky necklaces that could be used to narrate interesting stories in 2012 first for my Chithiram collection. These “Story in a bottle” necklaces  or Upcycled Bottle Necklaces are quirky, kitschy, can be customized easily and are a hit whenever I make them. 
You would have already seen some bottle necklaces in my previous posts in Chithira katha and Ragamala and one in my Swap and hop Reveal. Continuing in the same vein I made some more for a craft show. Here they are

Upcycled Bottle Necklaces

Upcycled Bottle Necklace 
Deepak Raga Bottle necklace 

 Ragamala Upcycled Bottle Necklaces
 Ragini Bottle necklace 
Dhanasri Ragini Bottle necklace

Rama – Story in a Bottle necklace
Seehuti Ragini Bottle necklace 
Todi Ragini Bottle necklace 

Saraswati Bottle necklace 

 Though these are made of Upcycled medicine bottles of glass, I have not had an instance where they broken. Still, as they are made of glass, they must be treated with care. You can also use plastic bottles for the same design, if you have them lying around. You are free to make them for yourselves or as gifts; just do not sell them. Head to the Favecrafts blog, if you want to learn how to make these Upcycled Bottle Necklace with Tell A Story: How To Make a Quirky DIY Pendant @ Favecrafts

I hope you found it interesting


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  1. Little Treasures avatar

    Oooo… these are so cute! Nice job Divya!
    I use medicinal vials to store sand (earth/dirt) from the places we've been.

    I have always wanted to make bottle necklace but never got round to actually do it.

  2. Divya N avatar

    Thats a great thought! Having a little bit of the world with you 🙂 these necklaces are amazingly fast to put together especially when you are doing multiples. Its the only design style of mine, that I have ever mass produced

  3. bairozan avatar

    Beautiful designs! Even though they are "mass produced", meaning liked and wanted :), each one has a unique design!

  4. Divya N avatar

    I guess this is as mass produced as I can get 😀

  5. ntina nt avatar

    Very beatiful and unique pieces! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board


    OMG..this is too cute, love the idea. I need to make one now 🙂
    Thanks for sharing dear Divya!

  7. Divya N avatar

    I hope you have fun making it

  8. Cinnamon Jewellery avatar

    I love old medicine bottles and these necklace are a nice variation and very colourful!

  9. Karin G avatar

    I love your bottle necklaceds, they are so colorful! I have love of tiny bottles, usually I fill them with whatever is small enough to get in there, but I will try your technique, looks like fun!

  10. Divya N avatar

    Its a very addictive design – try it 🙂

  11. Divya N avatar

    Oh they can be anything you want them to be – kitschy, soft, colorful or sober – depends on the images you use

  12. Michelle L. avatar

    Oh, Divya, those are fantastic! Love the variety in the necklace strands, and I haven't seen this technique of coating the outside with ice resin before. Very cool!

  13. Divya N avatar

    I have been making these since 2012 and thought it was time I shared the process 🙂

  14. Radhika avatar

    They are Cute Divya and matches any outfit .. will try to make one ..and thanks for the tute link .. 🙂

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