For the blogger kootam meet, that happened on Nov 26th, I had made some blogger kootam badges for the attendees. When I posted about the badges in the blogger kootam blog and on facebook, apart from the “they are cute” remarks, I also got many requests for a tutorial…So here is one..
When I wanted some goodies to give to the BK members – something that was affordable (since I was spending out of my pocket), something simple and classy( it should be used over a period of time) and of course handmade(for we were an artsy – craftsy group!!). Then I was reminded of conferences where they give everyone a kit bag and a badge and then simply I decided to make a customised badge.
To begin with it is very simple process that anybody could do and like everything else I found the idea to do it on the internet.
Blogger Kootam Badge
– A badge ( without or without a pin)
– A safety pin (incase your badge is pin less)
– custom prints
– white glue
– Decoupage medium
– Scissors (regular & pinking)
– Brush
1) Get the base ready: You can buy regular tin back badges at the market – then cost anywhere between Rs.6 – Rs.25 a badge depending on the pin thats used on it. I used smiley ones with a safety pin back for this project for they were easily available. If your badges dont have pins, you can add them easily. Use pliers to pull back the notches behind the badge, insert the pin and close.
2) Once you have bought your badge, measure it. You will need a print or an artwork to fit this size.
3) Even before I made the badges,I had already developed a blog button for BK which said “I belong to blogger kootam” so I decided to use the same artwork for the badges too.
4) Since the artwork was in Photoshop, I just converted it into a circle, re sized it and arrange it on a A4 layout for multiple prints. You can do this with any photo editing software.
5) While resizing make sure to add 10- 15% extra depending on the thickness of your badge to your artwork. Dont just make it bigger, then the important figures could go behind. ( I did that first and realised the the paper was too big for my badge 🙁 ) Just add another circle in the same colour of your artwork around it so that it will cover the sides correctly.
TIP# You might want to take a print of one piece first and check it if its right, if you are making multiple badges
6) Now Print them and cut them out with pinking shears on the edge so that only the tips are white
7) Now you have to slash the sides. From the tips till the actual line that with come on the badge. It is necessary to do this step, to make sure that you have a smooth circle covering.
It is not necessary to pink the circles, but it is helpful in guiding you how and where to slash.
While slashing also make sure that the cut is not visible on the front side
TIP# You might want to trace the badge on the back of the paper with pencil as a guide to slashing
8)Apply white glue, fevicol on the paper and drop the badge face down. It is easier this way rather than putting glue on the badge. You can move around the badge littleto make sure the artwork is the way you want on the badge. Now press to stick and smooth out any bubbles.
9) now press gently, mould the shape and stick back the excess on the backside. Press to even out creases and air bubbles. Since you have slashed it, you will get a very good shape.
10)Now the hardest part – Wait till it dries completely!!!!

11) Once dried, apply 2-3 coats of any decoupage medium on the top and on the side, waiting to dry it in between coats. Coat with a brush in one direction with even pressure so that no streaks are visible….
12) Its Done!! Wear and enjoy!!
When I made it I realised that this idea has a lot of potential. It could be used for different craft clubs (members can make it themselves at a meet!!), book clubs – maybe with the initial of a member, scout groups and other meets and clubs…!!! Here is the picture of the table arrangement I did at the meet..!!
I hope you all found this tutorial interesting and useful
Waiting to hear from you

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