Bitten by the crystal bug

I was so caught up with Navaratri, golu arrangements, classes and freelance projects, that I hardly have any time to blog, let alone make something new. So here is something I wanted to blog about for last month but kept forgetting – my experiments with the crystal trend.
I originally wanted to name this post ~ Bitten by the Swarovski bug, but the company has issued a notice, that people should not refer to that name when not using original Swarovski projects and I think that it is only fair that we follow it.
From Start to finish I am a bling girl and it is in my blood that I love stones and crystals. at one point I had amassed so many stone items that I had to give them all away. I stopped wearing stones once I started working and ever since they are all sleeping in my cupboard. So when I chanced upon Ornamentea’s craft page, I was inspired to make this bracelet immediately to reuse my crystal chain. I remember buying this chain and a bracelet like this many years ago during my first to a mall, in a city – Spencer plaza. It was also the first piece of branded jewelry that I bought and it was from Westside.Most of the chunky accessories I bought after that were from westside and they have gotten me loads of compliments whenever I wore them.

Price –  Rs.60

Then there is this beautiful, double strand necklace that I made using real glass cut crystals, that I sourced in Nepal for really good price. There were lying unused in my stash and finally I combined them this flower focal (like a mogappu used in Traditional Tamil jewelry) to make this necklace. Price –  Rs.300

I have another couple of strands in light green and and peacock green and I hopefully decide soon what I want to do with them. These pieces are for sale. Please contact me for purchase

Note of Apology:

Also I want to apologize to all of you doing a or review an online store that doesnt keep up its standard. This was brought to my attention by Holly. So If you are planning to order from Rising taste please do not do so!!! I usually do not go by beautiful pictures but the fact that it was recommended by a fellow blogger made me take it up. I am really sorry and promise to cross check loads of times before featuring anything in the future.


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