We’re All Ears : February Gold

 For the past few months, everytime I look at the “Earrings everyday” challenge announcements, I tell myself that this time I’ll participate. Then time flies away so quickly that it is the third Friday of the month, with the reveal, due. I don’t really make earrings in isolation as I mostly sell sets and really wish that this challenge could be more inclusive – with components or other items like necklaces. But as a part of my “plan” to motivate myself to make jewellery (other than the bridal sets),  I am writing this post today. 

Even now, I haven’t made anything new, but I do have a few earrings that I made some a long time ago as gifts for myself and my cousin that are a great match for theme, so I thought I’ll show them as I haven’t shown them before. I hope Erin doesn’t mind.

 Our Inspiration: Kandyan Style Standing Buddha statue from the Met
NOTE: This artwork is to be used for educational purposes only.

The figure is a copper Alloy with gold gilding and shows traces of Green Patina.  I found the ridges and the textures most interesting only be be followed by the color. I couldnt really figure out the form. Some folks are instantly attracted to and inspired by Buddha but I find him (and his figurines/paintings/sketches/photographs) a very difficult inspiration to process. I tend to gravitate towards Ugra murthis (Gods and goddesses who are known for their anger) like Narasimhar, Bhairav and Kali for I can feel their compassion beneath their anger and I get agitated while looking at supposedly calm Gods and deities.

Coming back to the earrings – I want to show two of them – one made with quilling strips ( paper) for myself and the other with silk thread which was made for my cousin. Forgive me for the not so great pictures.

February Gold        February Gold silk earrings

Both are Jhumka style earrings with the paper one being a more conical form and the thread in a spherical form. Both use the same embellishment – pearl rhinestone chain.
The Thread jhumka uses golden yellow viscose thread with a ‘S’ swirl earhook and rhinestone ball bead . My cousin wanted something light and big (long)  that she could match with a variety of outfits and  gold seemed liked the perfect answer to her needs.

The paper jhumka was one of my early trials of texturing and 3D lining on a domed shaped quilled surface. The reason I havent shown it before was because I wasnt really happy with the quality. After some practice I figured out a better way to follow the technique and the Gold Jhumkas ( tutorial here) earrings were born for the Jewelry Around the World series at Craftpaperscissors, which by the way, is also a good fit for this inspiration 😀

February Gold jhumka

Check out what all the other designers made at the February gold challenge reveal

I hope you found it interesting



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16 responses to “We’re All Ears : February Gold”

  1. Sarajo Wentling avatar

    I agree that both pairs of earrings certainly work for this challenge. I'm especially drawn to the pair you made for your cousin with the silk threads! Here's a thought… even though the challenge is specifically for earrings, give yourself an expanded challenge and come up with a full set. 🙂

  2. gloria allen avatar

    Stunning earrings Divya, glad you joined.

  3. Fiona Robertson avatar

    How lovely, it's really interesting to see your use of paper and thread to make such beautiful creations. This is something I would love to explore one day too and i have saved your tutorial. Thank You! xx

  4. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Fiona, Paper is a very interesting medium. I do hope that you try it out

  5. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for the motivation, I guess that is what I'll do from now on

  6. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for visiting Gloria

  7. Kathy Lindemer avatar

    You always have unique creations! Well done!

  8. Karin G avatar

    I love your earrings and they are perfect for this month's inspiration.

  9. bairozan avatar

    Your use of paper always amazes me 🙂 The color and textures of all three pairs are right for the challenge and they are beautiful.

  10. TesoriTrovati avatar

    Such an intriguing use of materials! I like the second pair very much. The swirls on the top are perfect, and I love the tactile quality of the threads. Really beautiful designs and I enjoy seeing your work. Often I make matching pendants or necklaces to accompany my earring designs, but as this is the Earrings Everyday challenge that is what I show! I think that the tight time frame also inspires me to produce something without dwelling too long on it. I hope you will continue to participate with us! Thanks for playing along with me on the Earrings Everyday challenge. I wonder what the next challenge will be? You will have to come back on March 4th to find out! Enjoy the day! Erin

  11. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Rozantia , I was just learning and experimenting when I tried out these pieces. I would like to believe that I have improved now

  12. Divya N avatar

    Thanks for providing this wonderful inspiration Erin, I think I too will work on complete sets and show them from now on

  13. Tammy Adams avatar

    Beautiful earrings. You are so talented with so many different materials in your jewelry making. Your designs are so rich in detail.
    As for the deadlines for these challenges, I always seem to think I have three weekends to work on my piece, but it's only two. And it sneaks up on me every time.

  14. Divya N avatar

    Thanks Tammy for your kind words. I love experimenting with materials

  15. Cinnamon Jewellery avatar

    I always work better when I have a deadline so joining this challenge should help you to get motivated to make more earrings. Love the jhumka style earrings especially the gold ones.

  16. […] jhumka bases I had bought and wondered if I could use them for something else other than Silk Thread jhumkas. My eyes then slowly wandered to the top shelf of my craft materials cupboard where I keep all my […]

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