I have nothing against structured wire wrapping. I mean its cool to draw out a design, prepare the wire, cut, file and wrap precisely to make stunning objects. But sometimes…especially when you are not making pairs of anything (like earrings) its more fun to do a free form wrap. It is really interesting to explore the form and shaped of the object you are wrapping with wire and as I just eyeball lengths of wire before I cut it, it easier to handle for I can finish it wherever and whenever I want….
so want to see the fun I had with free form wraps recently…?? here they are….
Water drop earrings – here wooden beads are free wrapped with 28g silver tone wire and looped together with an opal shell charm
Green Myrrh Necklace – this is Inspired by the leaves of the myrrah tree. The earrings and the pendant of this necklace is free form wrapped with 24 and 20g wire respectively.
Snake Ring – Here is a variation of the popular snake ring with the addtion of stone focal at one end and loose spiral with the pearl at the other end. Made from Silver filled wire this ring is adjustable and would fit most sizes
Crochet Bracelet with Bead center – I first Crocheted the bracelet and then wrapped the center ball chain as the focal. Alternatively you can thread beads on a length of wire and use it. I used a criss cross wrap as I wanted the focal to remain flat.
Crescent Moon Necklace- Inspired by this anthro necklace tutorial I wire wrapped the metal base with big beads in the center using brass wire followed by seed pearls at the side of the beads and added a drop bead to it. I was fortunate to have the base plate (an extension of an old necklace) so that made my job easier
My Tips for free form wire work
– Start with a softer (thinner wire) which doesnt work harden easily. That way even if you make mistakes you can unwind/rewind a bit and correct it and there will be no apparent blunders.
-Clean and Polish the wire before you start, it will be hard to do so later
– If you find a big kink in the middle of your focal (we all do at times) dont panic!! With a nose pliers convert the kink into a half turn spiral thing so that it looks like a design
– Never Ever hammer your work after you wrap something even remotely breakable…I am not responsible if you break the bead or damage/scratch the piece beyond repair..lol…(Dont ask me how I know this!!)
– Finally dont think wire is dificult, its as easy as working with cord just requires a lot more pratice
I hope you found it interesting

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